Az. Agr. Bastia di Mario Saccardo

Via Bastia, 10
36030 Montecchio Precalcino (Vicenza)
Since 1980 in the La Bastia locality, perhaps among the most suited areas to the cultivation of the vine throughout the Doc Breganze, Mario Saccardo has been devoting himself with great love and passion to his prestigious vineyards and producing wines of great quality such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Marzemino, Pinot Blanc, Vespaiolo, Pinot Brut, Rosé, and the valuable Torcolato wine.

On Montecchio Precalcino, Maccà wrote: the villa in the area of Montecchio Precalcino, eight miles distant from Vicenza and four from Thiene. It lies partly in the mountain, and partly in the plain. The mountain is isolated, and goes forming very fertile and abundant hills, especially of very good grapes with which they make the finest wines. Therefore, even the aforesaid P. Barbarano, talking about this villa, says that delicious wines are produced.

Three pages later, he speaks of Bastia and of its very extensive and very charming view, that you can enjoy from there. He makes us know that already in the fifteenth century on that hill vines were cultivated. This place is mentioned in the inventory of the goods of the parish church of this villa, made ​​in the year 1444 on June 16th with the following words: “Item una specia terre prative plantata vitibus et erboribus in ora Bastie”.


Az. Agr. Bastia di Mario Saccardo

Az. Agr. Bastia di Mario Saccardo