Contrada Selva, 62
36054 Montebello Vicentino (Vicenza)
The Dal Maso family, already at the end of the 1800s, with grandfather Serafino was growing Garganega grapes and producing wine in the Gambellara area. We have always believed in the great potential of these lands and their grapes, so that, one of the wineyards belonging to our family, Cà Fischele, is known to human recollection as the oldest in the entire valley.

It is towards the end of the '60s though, with the arrival in the winery of Luigino Dal Maso, that there is a strong and decisive turn in improving viticulture and commercial aspects.
At the beginning of the '90s, Nicola, Serafino's son, venologist, took control of the productive aspects of the winery, giving new impulse to the family business.

Today the winery can boast state of the art vinification technologies, functional and modern working buildings that allow us achieve the high quality of the wines signed Dal Maso.


Azienda Vinicola DAL MASO

Azienda Vinicola DAL MASO