Consorzio Vini Colli Berici e Vicenza Doc Garibaldi, 1
36045 Lonigo (Vicenza)
The producers of the areas of D.O.C. Colli Berici (since 1982) and Vicenza (since 2000) have come together in the Volunteer Consortia for the Protection of DOC wines which have as its main aim to protect, promote and represent the interests related to the DOC.

Until now, both consortia have acted and worked with organizational structures and autonomous directional organogrammas, sharing the operating and exhibition spaces of the Palace of Wine (Palazzo Pisani) of Lonigo (Vicenza), together with the Wine Route of the Berici Hills.

In view of the significant innovative regulations introduced by the Legislative Decree on April 8th, 2010, n° 61, and given the substantial role attributed to the new Consortia for the protection of designations of origin, the governing bodies of the Consortium for the protection of the Colli Berici DOC wines and the Consortium for the protection of the Vicenza DOC wines have started a process of actual melting of the two existing consortia in order to form a single relevant one, which meets the requirements of the Ministerial Decree of December 16th, 2010, in addition to what is stated in the Legislative Decree n°61/2010. In this way, the activity of the consortium for the protection and enhancement of the designations should be more efficient and effective, allowing to concentrate more resources for strategic actions.

This form of aggregation should also bring:

the growth in size of the structure resulting in a more advantageous bargaining position;

a rationalization of the resources used with consequent efficiency gains and savings in general and administrative costs;

the strengthening of the organizational structure and the integration of the services offered.

Interventions, which thanks to the large number of members and their consequent weight may increasingly move towards a vision of a best business–entrepreneurial vision, that allows timely decisions to safeguard effectively the local products, as well as efficiently promoting both at national and international level the wine produced and protected, at the same time clears the field from unproductive constraints and reasons.

Today, the Consortium for the Protection of the Colli Berici and Vicenza is the new organizational reality. It represents about 60% of the wine production in Vicenza, bringing together and representing both private companies and cooperatives, aiming to become more and more a strategic technical and promotional point of reference for important and prestigious wineries in the province.

The objectives of the new Consortium are:

to enhance the protected designations giving them a distinctive identity, that will result in a productive and economic value;

to promote the knowledge of the designations and to increase their competitiveness in the market;

to broaden the shareholder base and to increase the number of services offered to members (training, workshops, incoming of industry operators etc.).


Consorzio Vini Colli Berici e Vicenza Doc

Consorzio Vini Colli Berici e Vicenza Doc