Viale Asiago 174 I
36061 Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza)
The Vigneto Due Santi agricultural company was founded at the beginning of the 60s, when the construction of the winery was completed. After the purchase of the first country lands, the company continued to expand by incorporating piecemeal the areas of greatest vocation, and now covers an area of ​​almost 35 hectares. Of these, 22 are occupied by the company’s vineyards, which are bordered to the north by a strip with olive trees that occupies a total area of ​​6 hectares. The rest of the estate consists of forests that frame the company’s territory in a landscape of great beauty.

From the square of the winery you can catch a glimpse of the center of the town, and visitors, surrounded and protected by the vineyards and olive groves of the estate, can breathe full air of the countryside.

The winery is designed to facilitate and optimize all the operations of vinification, from processing of grapes to aging and filling of wine, and very well cared, therefore, is the organization of the spaces according to the workflow. A small but cozy tasting area, finally, allows to deepen knowledge of the company’s products.


Vigneto Due Santi

Vigneto Due Santi