Consorzio Tutela Vini Merlara Doc

Via A. Mattielli, 11
37038 Soave (Verona)
The Doc Merlara is one of the most vivid designations of the Veneto region, with the production of unique and modern wines. It is characterized by wine–growing area in rapid growth, which now has about 500 hectares of vineyards, of which about 400 are connected to the winery of Merlara, a structure of transformation associated with the of Colognola Winery, then inserted into the Collis group and, as such, able to enhance its productions throughout the world.

The unification of the Colognola Winery has marked the return of a successful winemaking in the area of ​​Merlara: the desire to overcome the crisis and to compete as protagonists at high levels has led all the forces in the field to join in order to achieve satisfactory results in the present and to be able to meet future challenges. New retail space, a modern winemaking facility, then the best wines, the most valuable and best paid, brought new confidence and prospects for businesses.

The DOC was approved by Presidential Decree of 13th July 2000 and on 26th January 2001 the respective Consortium of Protection was established, with the task to perform supervisory functions in respect of its members. Following major investments in the field of wine making and fining, made ​in the last decade by the interested wineries and, above all, thanks to a more qualified the technical management of the vineyards, remarkable levels both in the quality of the grapes and in that of wines have been achieved.

For this reason, in December 2008, they approved also the change of the product specification of the Doc Merlara, which introduces substantial changes and new types to better adapt to the market. The Consortium for the Protection of the Merlara DOC Wines is celebrating at this time its first ten years of life, characterized by a remarkable dynamism aimed at informing all interested parties on the evolution of the designation and on the amendment to the product specification, to make know the characteristics of quality wines produced in this area and to stimulate the search for new markets.


Consorzio Tutela Vini Merlara Doc

Consorzio Tutela Vini Merlara Doc