Via Pasini Vianelli 9
33034 Remanzacco (Udine)
In Friuli Venezia Giulia, a land rich in waterways, among others, two streams flow: Malina and Ellero, which in a singular point of the Grave, have unpredictably designed a form of glass. This is the kingdom of Vigne Del Malina.
The Grave identify a wide area stretching from Pordenone to Udine, characterized by rocky surfaces, of alluvial origin, to form a special habitat with distinctive characteristics and a unique microclimate. From the pre–Alpine valleys you can enjoy a fresh ventilation. The stones absorb the heat of the day and release it slowly at night: this natural temperature range is a fundamental process in the creation of flavors and aromas typical of the local wines. This same excellence is reflected in the Vineyards of Malina, a wine reality that does not chase the big quantity, but high quality.

Villa Pasini Vianelli, purchased and renovated by the Bacchetti family in 1967, is located in the center of the estate and all around is surrounded by 150 hectares of land cultivated with love, in which the vines breathe, occupying only a small part. The values of the farm ​​are based on simple genuineness, to return to the origins, to taste, to aroma, to the structure and especially to the body that distinguishes each particular variety: wines of character, such as red wines; wines that are clean and very fragrant, like the white wines; full&bodied and enveloping wines, like the Macerati.

Simplicity is found, then, in the processing, with times dictated by nature. The vineyards are managed in an eco–friendly way, with frequent manual intervention, excluding chemical herbicides. The harvest is realized without the help of machines. Skilled hands capture and place with care each cluster in a box, when in late ripeness. To follow, a wise and quiet refinement takes place, until every bottle, lying for months, is properly matured.

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Pinot Grigio



Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso

Cabernet Franc


Pinot Grigio Ram

Chardonnay Aur

Sauvignon Aur


Vigne Del Malina

Vigne Del Malina