via Barolo, 51
33040 Prepotto (Udine)
Sita in one of the vocati places more of the Friuli Venice Julia and just in the Hills It orients them of the Friuli, Vine lenuzza is an agricultural company to familiar conduction.

The company is born from the attachment to the territory.

The wines that are born from these vineyards become ambassadors of the Friuli in the world: of it they represent the quality, the ability, the cure.
Every year more than 40.000 bottles they diffuse, through Lenuzza Vine, the sapori and the pregi in Friuli in all Italy and, beyond the national borders.
Through these wines it is proposed to value the enologica culture and, with to this, the inestimabile naturalistic, historical and cultural patrimony to enjoy in the heat from the receptive structures of Prepotto.
An occasion in order to taste wines of Lenuzza Vine own where they come realized.


Vigna Lenuzza

Vigna Lenuzza