Piazza della Chiesa 3
33050 Pozzuolo del Friuli (Udine)
Who I am: my name is Alessandro Job, I am 29 years old and I love dreaming and telling life and my emotion through wine. This is who I am, in my pure essence, without frills.

Why wine?

Because some things are difficult to explain with only words, I need a pass key.

The emotion that wine transmits to me and that I try to spread with every single bottle is somethig very intimate, unique, personal, not at all commercial or bound to market rules, but strongly linked to the Land.

I want to try to change the language of wine and of its emotions. I want to make it more accessible. A real means of communication among people.

This is the reason why 4 years ago, starting from a tradition carried out since 1985 by my grandfather, I wanted to change philosophy. Neglecting quantity, I just try to make people become passionate and fall in love with wine and its potentials. To make people spontaneous, unique and free. At least for a moment.

I seem to be a dreamer but my age allows me to do it and challenges help me grow and understand what I need to improve to fulfill my dream.