Via Centrale, 5
33040 Povoletto (Udine)
The company was founded in 2004 by an idea of Gianni Del Fabbro who, after having studied the craft art with the help of a famous and very qualified vinegrower of Friuli, decided to dedicate himself to vinegrowing and winemaking.

Before it was a passion cultived to spend his free time, but over the months and the years it has become a daily commitment that involves the entire family and in particular his son Lodovico, who collaborates in toto with him in the business made of detail–oriented care in pruning and management of vineyards, od accurate and strictly organic controls with regard to the work of vinification. The production is made respecting the extension of vineyards, as he prefers quality in spite of quantity in production. The name Ronc di Vico is a dedication to his paternal grandfather, to which he was very fond.