Via Ramandolo, 5
33045 Nimis (Udine)
The name of the Company derives from the Coos family which at the beginning of the 19th Century produced wines on the Hills of Ramandolo: 5 generations at least of passion for the fruits of this land. A company that now is run by a dynamic Ltd. founded on friendship that has acquired the knowledge of the times, the seasons and the actions that lead to excellence.

Here is the philosophy of this Group of friends: to give a sense to tradition and to the techniques of the past, to the research of the original, authentic Ramandolo, experimenting new paths and ancient materials. Today the company has modern equipment and new wine cellars, but still harvests by hand (there is no alternative, due to the narrow terraces on steep slopes), according to the stages and the times of the past, vinifying only the native grapes (Because everyone has the grapes he deserves, they say in these parts), according to a wisdom that is the soul of Ramandolo, the depth, the future.