Via delle Fornaci, 1
33044 Manzano (Udine)
Midolini is not only the name of a historic family of Friuli and its winery, but a story about passion, love and dreams that have become reality. Located in Manzano in the province of Udine, between Attimis and Buttrio, the Midolini farm covers an area of ​​100 hectares, owned by the family, in the Hills, of which 70 are devoted to vineyards with the Colli Orientali del Fiuli designation of origin. To date, 32 hectares are cultivated with vines. Midolini has always aimed at the production of quality wines with a very low yield of 40 hectoliters per hectare, about 90,000 bottles produced. Passion, elegance and quality are the predominant characteristics of the Rosacroce Midolini wines. The Midolini family offers also a flagship product, of the highest standard and unique: Asperum, a sweet and sour balsamic sauce obtained cooking a great must of the Doc grapes of the eastern hills of Friuli, since June 2007 registered in the list of the agri–food products defined traditional with a special decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry. The "balsameria", that started with only 25 small barrels more than fifty years ago, just for fun and for the passion of Lino Midolini, has now become the world’s largest with about 2,300 small barrels, a record that earned him the prestigious quote in the The Guinness Book of World Records since 1998. Asperum is made ​​with native Friulian grapes (such as Refosco and Tocai) and is aged in small barrels made of 7 different precious Woods until 30 years of age. The Midolini company produces also Grappa cru from Chardonnay grapes. In its 50 it is a distillate of great strength but at the same time of great harmony.