Via Abate Corrado, 55
33044 Manzano (Udine)
A couple of years ago a new winery opened, entirely underground, which ensures the highest functionality – vineyards do the rest of the job. Our great advantage consists of the opportunity to draw on three different terroirs, to say, Rosazzo, Buttrio and Rocca Bernarda.

The Vinifications are always separated, initially, also to make statistical surveys useful for a more specific consciousness to each area and grape variety. Only after, we perform blendings on the basis of the various types. Rosazzo has a warmer microclimate, almost Mediterranean, so much so that even olive trees grow here. The sea, rather close, causes undoubted beneficial effects, at the expense, perhaps, of the temperature range, not too pronounced. In Rosazzo, in effect, we grow most of our red grapes and wines are large, powerful, energetic.

Among the white grapes, Tocai Friulano finds its space, taking from the color of the hills of Rosazzo the originality of character that sets it apart. We focus on red wines bluntly, both to continue down the path already started with Ronco dei Roseti (first red wine from Friuli awarded with 3 Glasses by the Gambero Rosso Guide in the year 1988), and to experiment with the possibilities given by native vines such as Pignolo and Refosco. In fact, one of our goals, is exactly to employ native grapes to produce wines of real personality, of not easy uniformity.

It should be considered that the 55 hectares of vines we own, including properties and rentals, as much as 40% is occupied by varieties of red grapes, definitely a percentage above the regional average. This does not mean, of course, to leave out white wines, that are an indispensable basis for our justified ambitions. In fact, even about white wines, our philosophy follows a consistent path and in line with the choices operated in the “red sector”. Although these varieties are of international footprint, even well rooted in the Friuli area, such as Sauvignon and Pinot Grigio, the greatest hopes and attention focus on native grapes.


Le Vigne di Zamò

Le Vigne di Zamò

Le Vigne di Zamò

Le Vigne di Zamò