via Cormons, 60
33040 Cividale del Friuli (Udine)
The Rodaro family love to define themselves Farmers of Spessa, as they consider a boast, in the third millennium, to be the proud holders of the title of farmers. And with this feature they have been able to fit into the modern mechanisms of the farm industry, without having abdicated to the traditions of their homeland. They have not lost touch with their territory and with the culture tied to it, to avoid the risk of deviating from the true characteristics of the product: wines that do not have to sacrifice their typicality to the trends of the moment.

Then, the techniques of Batonage to produce evolution white wines, the over–ripening of the grapes in the cellar for important red wines or the slow drying for Piccolit, do not affect the characteristics of the territory and the typicality of each wine, especially those made from native grape varieties. The ongoing research is useful to fuse together history as bearer of tradition and the future, seen as innovation, without losing anything over time. And history is present in the Rodaro farm with a particular date: 23 March 1846, Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia; since then they began to talk about the Rodaro family as small farmers and wine producers.

The big changes came in the years between 1960 and 1970 thanks to the commitment of the brothers Luigi and Edo, who were able to transform the small farm in one of the most popular and large wineries of the eastern hills of Friuli. On this road, the work of consolidation of the company continues, and the acquisition of the Conte Romano estate is the latest example of this way of working. The company currently owns about 108 hectares of land and, out of these, 40 are cultivated with vines with an average annual production of 200,000 bottles of fine wine.


Rodaro Paolo Winery

Rodaro Paolo Winery