Via Boiani, 4
33040 Cividale del Friuli (Udine)
The cellar is located next to the Venetian villa De Claricini; its construction dates back to the 19th century and has recently undergone careful restoration. The floor was redone in quartz concrete while the walls were freed from the old mortars to highlight the stones and the structure of the wall. The ceiling is made up of the old wooden beams and fir boards. The fixtures have been completely recovered. The cellar is divided into three sectors: reception of the grapes and de-stemming, vinification in steel barrels, aging and storage in wooden barrels. De Claricini wines are born from carefully selected grapes from the proprietary vineyards that arrive in the ancient cellar for vinification and maturation. With the same passion of the Claricini counts, the de Claricini Foundation they set up continues to produce quality wines, combining the most modern winemaking techniques with the Friulian wine tradition.


De Claricini

De Claricini