Consorzio Tutela Vini Colli Orientali Del Friuli e Ramandolo

Via G. B. Candotti, 3
33043 Cividale del Friuli (Udine)
The Consortium for the Protection of the "Colli Orientali del Friuli" Designation of Origin Wines was founded in 1970. Several decades have gone by now, and during this period of time the viticulture of these areas has been greatly enhanced, imposing itself at a national and international level. In the development phase, significant was the activity of training, information, technical assistance and promotion carried out by the Consortium parallel to the institutional role of supervision and protection on the use of the D.O.C.

Since January 2010 a new reality has been created, the result of an aggregation process that the Consortium has undertaken with the Consortium for the Protection of Ramandolo D.O.C.G. This unique structure, called Consortium for the Protection of the "Colli Orientali del Friuli e Ramandolo" Wines currently has the management of the Friuli Colli Orientali D.O.C,, the Picolit D.O.C.G., the Ramandolo D.O.C.G. and, since 2011, of the Rosazzo D.O.C.G.

Today the Consortium brings together about 200 members, of which about three quarters are bottlers. From their own vineyards (2,000 hectares registered) they produce over 80,000 hectoliters of D.O.C. wines, of which at least 30 per cent is sold abroad. An export intended mainly to European countries, but that does not exclude countries such as the United States or Japan. Austria and Germany remain important markets where the Consortium organizes regular presentations and tastings that are particularly appreciated by the members and the public. An activity of promotion coordinated by a small staff that Cividale has the good fortune to work in a prestigious building of the 15th century a few steps from the Duomo – in which the tourists in search for informative material about the wines of the Eastern Hills do not fail to stop for some time, looking admiringly at the stone walls and at the graceful columns, perfectly preserved and restored.


Consorzio Tutela Vini Colli Orientali Del Friuli e Ramandolo

Consorzio Tutela Vini Colli Orientali Del Friuli e Ramandolo

Consorzio Tutela Vini Colli Orientali Del Friuli e Ramandolo

Consorzio Tutela Vini Colli Orientali Del Friuli e Ramandolo

Consorzio Tutela Vini Colli Orientali Del Friuli e Ramandolo

Consorzio Tutela Vini Colli Orientali Del Friuli e Ramandolo