Azienda Agricola Ronchi San Giuseppe

Vino del Collio Ronchi San Giuseppe

Strada di Spessa 8
33043 Cividale del Friuli (Udine)
"Passion" is a word used for many different areas, often used inappropriately, other times forcedly attached to the activity that people practice daily, to justify their commitment. I believe that passion is a form of awareness, because it makes you understand who you really are, deep down, allowing you to know yourself fully. One day, just when I was looking for her, my passion found me. On these solid foundations, in 1950, Monviert was born, at the foot of the church of San Giuseppe, owned by us since I remember, in which all the members of my family got married, including me. It all started with my parents' stone house, built from brick by brick, a bit like our company with its plots. In the same way, we have also expanded the structure that houses Monviert, cutting out the space it deserves. Today the venue is a joy for the eyes, capable of transmitting in a crystalline way all the emotions that we want to express daily through our wines, because over time the spirit has remained unchanged, only the passion has grown, and continues to grow. Born as Ronchi San Giuseppe, this passion had to be handed down and exported. So the whole family was infected, from me, to my children, up to my grandchildren, far exceeding my childhood dreams. The name Monviert originates from the church, which has watched over our 87 hectares for centuries. In Friulian, the language that speaks our land, means "open mountain": because the "mountain" that hosts it gives an "open" view. From its top it manages to show all the love that my family has sown, and continues to sow, in this land for three generations. Over the years we have grown, together with our passion. And so the world around us has also changed, through the digitization and evolution of production methods. But to transform innovation into real improvement, you need to know who you are dealing with: Mother Nature.


Cellar data Ownership: Francesco and Fulvio Zorzettig Oenologist: Fulvio Zorzettig Area: 60 hectares Production: 300,000 bottles per year White wines: Friulano, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Riesling, Ribolla Gialla, Aromatic Traminer Red wines: Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Refosco dal red peduncle, Pinot Noir, Schioppettino, Franconia, Rosé Sweet wines: Picolit Sparkling wines: Ribolla Gialla Brut Visit the winery by reservation (tel. 39 0432 716172) 60 people max. Open all year round from 8.30 to 18 (closed on Sundays) Direct sales Languages spoken: English, German and Spanish Parking for 30 cars and 2 buses


  • vini del collio
  • Ronchi San Giuseppe