Consorzio Tutela Vini Doc Friuli Aquileia

Via Giulia Augusta, 18
33051 Aquileia (Udine)
In 1975, by the will of a small group of producers, the designation of origin “Vini DOC Friuli Aquileia” (Friuli Aquileia DOC Wines) is recognized. Its territory is developed in a long, narrow strip that from Aquileia, through Cervignano del Friuli, reaches the bastions of Palmanova and continues to Trivignano Udinese including 16 municipalities.

The Voluntary Consortium for the Protection of the Designation of Controlled Origin, founded in 1976, has been working for several years with achievement in the wine industry, and today encompasses most of the winemaking companies in the area.

The statutory tasks of the Consortium are to defend and protect the production of Friuli Aquileia DOC Wines, to organize activities of promotion, to provide technical assistance and to collaborate with public and private institutions for controls and experimentations.

The Consortium is part of the Aquileia DOC Wine Route Association and of E.VI.Q.–Ente Vini di Qualità–, association of Consortia of the Province of Udine, which aims to enhance, promote, and protect the development of wine of its territory.


Consorzio Tutela Vini Doc Friuli Aquileia

Consorzio Tutela Vini Doc Friuli Aquileia