The Montello and the Asolo Hills are a hilly area full of charm and history, mentioned by Dante Alighieri in his Divine Comedy, whose wines are promoted by the Consortium.
After a sophisticated experimental work, a vine variety resistant to drought has been obtained, so increasing the level of maturity and the sugar content of grapes.
The production area covers the whole territory of Monfumo and part of the municipalities of Asolo, Caerano di San Marco, Castelcucco, Cavaso del Tomba, Cornuda, Crocetta del Montello, Fonte, Giavera del Montello, Maser, Montebelluna, Nervesa della Battaglia, Paderno del Grappa, Pederobba, Possagno, San Zeno degli Ezzelini, Volpago del Montello.