Azienda Agricola Al Ponte di Giotto Rodolfo

Via Partidor, 2
31044 Montebelluna (Treviso)
Mr. Giotto Rodolfo has always worked, since childhood, in agriculture and particularly closely to vines. Once grown up and married to Mrs. Marina, he continued to work the land for the account of third parties, or as a seller of firewood covering far and wide the province of Treviso and the province of Venice. With this activity he had the opportunity to know many people and, realizing that the cultivation of the vine and its transformation into wine was taking root, with many sacrifices the Giotto family decided to buy their first plot of land where they created the first vineyard of their business.

During the early years, the production of the vineyard was intended to be conveyed to a cooperative winery in the area and only a small part of the production of grapes was used for the production of wine for family use; hence Rodolfo decided to devote himself full time to growing grapes and producing wine for direct sales, producing it in a simple and genuine way.

Over the years the increasing demand for bulk wine led to the enlargement of the family estate going from 1.5 hectares in 1965 to the current 12 hectares, all planted with vineyards of different grape varieties.

The opening of a new store in front of the processing cellar dates back to 1981. In the harvest period, and not only, you can watch the production and processing of grapes into wine.

In the early 2000s there was a gradual replacement of old vineyards with new ones, having as a focal point the quality of grapes and wine flowing therefrom. The vineyard sites of the company are all owned, are arranged in various plots, characterized by different altitudes and soils.

The plots on Montello face south and have largely clayey soil, give full–bodied and long lasting red wines (16) and rich in taste white wines (Glera, Millennium, Spumante). The plots in the valley are softer and rich in texture, giving origin to wines with more marked flavours: red wines appear to be lively and ready to drink, white wines express marked flavours and are intended to be marketed in bottles as bulk wines.

In the company, the weeding of the rows takes place mechanically trying to lower the impact of chemistry on the cultivation of grapes. The same philosophy is adopted in the processing of wine using only natural products and reducing as much as possible the use of sulfites, always searching for innovative products and techniques that respect the taste of homemade wine.


Azienda Agricola Al Ponte di Giotto Rodolfo

Azienda Agricola Al Ponte di Giotto Rodolfo

Azienda Agricola Al Ponte di Giotto Rodolfo

Azienda Agricola Al Ponte di Giotto Rodolfo

Azienda Agricola Al Ponte di Giotto Rodolfo

Azienda Agricola Al Ponte di Giotto Rodolfo

Azienda Agricola Al Ponte di Giotto Rodolfo

Azienda Agricola Al Ponte di Giotto Rodolfo

Azienda Agricola Al Ponte di Giotto Rodolfo

Azienda Agricola Al Ponte di Giotto Rodolfo

Azienda Agricola Al Ponte di Giotto Rodolfo

Azienda Agricola Al Ponte di Giotto Rodolfo