Società Agricola Rigoni Antonio di Sala Gianni & C.

Via Palu’, 20
31040 Chiarano (Treviso)
Rigoni Sala is a 20–hectare vineyard that extends into the area of Typical Geographcal Indication between river Piave and the Lison–Pramaggiore area on the border between Veneto and Friuli.

The seat is in Via Palù, 20, in Chiarano (TV), since 1966 the company with its own staff has dedicated itself with passion and professionalism to the production of wine, combining its equipment of modern technology with local traditions.

Characterize the business: a careful vineyard management, the scrupulous harvest and the subsequent transformation into wine with high quality results, well consolidating its market and loyal customers to which it comes with five stores in Veneto, Lombardy and Piedmont.
The Company has initiated a project of zoning that will allow to replant in each vineyard the best suited to the ecosystem of the area grape varieties.


 Società Agricola Rigoni Antonio di Sala Gianni & C.

Società Agricola Rigoni Antonio di Sala Gianni & C.