Consorzio per la Tutela dei Vini Orvieto DOC Cavour, 36
05018 Orvieto (Terni)
The Orvieto Wines Consortium, an association founded with the aim of protecting the quality and image of "Vino Orvieto", was established in 1958 as "Consorzio del Vino Tipico di Orvieto", and has become "Consorzio Tutela Vino Orvieto" in 1971, the year of recognition of the Designation of Controlled Origin Orvieto.

In 1998 the Doc Rosso Orvietano was founded, which overlaps geographically to the DOC Orvieto in the province of Terni, with the aim to diversify productions within the same wine–growing area and create a synergy between the two wines to better address markets. Also in this context, in effect, the Orvieto Wines Consortium protects also the Doc Rosso Orvietano.

The activity of the Consortium is to promote the improvement of the quality of production, through various experiments in the field of agronomy that achieves both its own vineyards than on the members’ vineyards, where new varieties are compared with native ones. Continuing in the oenological field, research focuses on the sensory characteristics that can express an increasingly attractive Orvieto wine and in line with the evolution of consumers’ taste.


Consorzio per la Tutela dei Vini Orvieto DOC

Consorzio per la Tutela dei Vini Orvieto DOC