Podere Caprili, 268
53024 Montalcino (Siena)
The company was founded in 1965 by Alfo Bartolommei.

The Bartolommei family established itself in the municipality of Montalcino at the beginning of the latest century. The original family unit lived the Marzolo homestead in the municipality of Cinigiano (Province of Grosseto).

In 1911 the family moved to the Poggi homestead, a unit of Villa Santa Restituta Estate, running lands in sharecropping (typical way of management in Tuscany). The following years saw the family move to one homestead to another, belonging to Villa Santa Restituta Estate, until 1952, when they definitively moved to the Caprili homestead. The family came will all its livestock, running the fields as tenant farmers. In 1965 the Bartolommei family decided to purchase the property of the Castelli–Martinozzi sirs, owners of Villa Santa Restituta. In the same year, in 1965, they planted their first vineyard, named even today Madre, from which the clones for new plants are planted in the new company”s vineyards.

The first bottle of Brunello di Montalcino Caprili was produced in the 1978 vintage, and marketed in 1983.