Loc. Colombaio di Montosoli, 13
53024 Montalcino (Siena)
The company is located in the northern part of the territory of Montalcino, on the slope overlooking the city of Siena, at an altitude of 280 meters above sea level - It covers 12 hectares (5 of which are planted to Brunello) on the little Montosoli hill, considered for centuries the area of ​​excellence, quality product and high wine vocation.
The first commercially Baricci Brunello is dated 1971 while the first bottle of Rosso di Montalcino is the year 1968. Currently the grandsons Federico and Francesco carry on the family name, synonymous with tradition, passion and professionalism. The support to the grandfather of the third generation is now a proof of employment opportunities in "upstream" of new generations and the continuation of an honest way of working and committed.