Via Montevetrano, 3
84099 San Cipriano Picentino (Salerno)
The story of the Montevetrano company originates from the enthusiasm to experiment in a group of friends a shared passion for wine, when the legendary reference points of the time were Bordeaux wines.

In the past, it was ownership of the Bourbons, in time it became a farming company. Purchased in the 40s by the Imparato grandparents, it produced fruits, hazelnuts, wine and olive oil for family use.

In 1985, on about two hectares of land, Taurasi Aglianico, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot of Barbera, Per palummo (piedirosso) and grapes of Troia were re–engaged.

In 1991, the very few first bottles of Montevetrano with 70% Cabernet Sauvignon and 30% Aglianico were launched for some friends.

It was a party, it looked like a game, surprising, because Montevetrano was much higher than expected.

Friends pushed through, Silvia Imparato and Riccardo Cotarella standed at attention for an aging wine of great quality. Today Montevetrano is no longer the challenge of yesterday. It is a small but solid company, which sells its wine all over the world, to a limited measure. Being a small reality, whose wine production has more demand than production, our business strategy does not usually provide for participation in fairs, and if we do, almost always as attentive audience.

For the small number of bottles (about 30,000 per year) and the sales all over the world, we believe in the sacred close relationship with our customers, directing the product in a defined way.

The control of the bottles is also vital to our archive, which we have been holding with great care from the earliest days of production. The objectives pursued by Montevetrano are dictated by concrete values ​​of simplicity, through work and knowledge, in an experience stronger than our land, in the different markets and their cultures in a changing world.

We are there and we are recognized because we are understood, with a deep and elegant wine that speaks, in a modern way, of its land in the world. All this thanks to a strong preparation by each of us. A few but attentive, each of us linked to its sector but together with the others, through a balance that brings strength to Montevetrano.




