Azienda Vinicola Cuomo Domenico

Via Feudo, 12
84040 Capaccio (Salerno)
Azienda Vitivinicola Cuomo is now run by the third generation of the ownership.

From knight Francesco to his son Domenico, to get to his nephew Giovanni. The love for wine and for the land has been handed down generation after generation.

As a bridge between past and present. This, in brief, is the history of the Cuomo winemakers and farmers in Capaccio Paestum.

A wealth of experience that has been enriched in 50 years of commitment, respect for tradition, without ever losing sight of the modern evolution. The focus on new objectives of the art of winemaking and agriculture, in effect, give an adequate response to a market evolving and ever more attentive and demanding.

Cilento DOC and Paestum IGT wines

Temples of Paestum about 3 km from the property


Azienda Vinicola Cuomo Domenico

Azienda Vinicola Cuomo Domenico