Consorzio Tutela Vini Colli Martani

Via Montecristo, 2
06059 Todi (Perugia)
The Consortium of Protection of the Colli Martani Wines was formed in 2001 to unite, in a single body, the wine growing and the wine culture of the area, taking advantage of the age–old tradition of Umbria. The Consortium brings together producers and the best wineries, representing 80% of the surface of the protected products of the Colli Martani DOC.

This land of excellence for the production of Sangiovese, Trebbiano and Grechetto, a native vine, probably of Etruscan origin. To protect, enhance and promote the DOC wine production of the area, is the task that the law assigns to us and the goal that we want to achieve. Wine of excellence of the Colli Martani D.O.C. is Grechetto, of which already Pliny the Elder in the first century. A.D. extolled the qualities.

Obtained from the grape variety of Greek origin of the same name, it found in our area the ideal conditions for growing and spreading. From the perfect ripening of the grapes, nicely structured wines derive, elegant and of great personality.


Consorzio Tutela Vini Colli Martani

Consorzio Tutela Vini Colli Martani