Azienda Vinicola Losito e Guarini

Via Gustavo Modena, 10
27050 Redavalle (Pavia)
Losito&Guarini has hence become a dynamic corporate reality capable of combining oenological know-how with the desire to satisfy the demands of mature consumers and competent wine-lovers, through a variety of wines with innovative characteristics and quality standards at an absolutely international level.
Attention to quality as well as an excellent quality-to-price ratio have allowed the Losito & Guarini wine cellars to now be one of the top 20 national companies in terms of sales, a solid point of reference for the Italian mass distribution channel and a powerful group for the local economy of the Oltrepò Pavese area.


Azienda Vinicola Losito e Guarini

Azienda Vinicola Losito e Guarini