via Marconi, 1
08013 Bosa (Oristano)
The company was founded on the drive and passion of the patriarch Giovanni Battista Columbu, who in 1972 purchased from a relative a vineyard of more than 18,000 square meters which had been grown for over a hundred years with mixed colture of traditional vines, situated in Fraus locality, in the territory of Magomadas. In the following years, G. Battista Columbu started a first replanting of trees replacing centuries–old logs and increasing the grafts of the original Malvasia vine.

In that same period (1973/1974) together with the estimated producer Salvatore Deriu (known as Zegone, who was the first to understand the importance of the grape variety selection and of monoculture plants, and experimented bottling for the marketing of the product) and some other famous supporters of the value this wine, like Mario Soldati and Luigi Veronelli, who dedicated to Malvasia pages of high value, G.B. Columbu devoted himself to research study aimed at recognizing the wine and cultural identity of the product, so as to obtain the enrollment in the DOC register.

In 1980, the company inherited another vineyard of about 20,000 square meters, in Campeda locality, in the territory of Bosa.

In 1992 the first bottle of Malvasia di Bosa G.B. Columbu was launched and in 2004 another product approached the tradition, made ​​from Malvasia grapes, too: Lalvarega.

Currently, the company combines tradition with modern systems for vinegrowing and winemaking and is registered in the Register of DOC vineyards since 1988.