Consorzio Tutela Nebbioli Alto Piemonte Castello, 47 - Palazzo Gallarati
28074 Ghemme (Novara)
Established to protect, enhance and promote the wines with designation of origin of the provinces of Vercelli, Novara and Biella, the Consortium protects the Nebbiolo grape, combined with native vines of Vespolina, Uva Rara and Croatina, and large wine productions obtained thereof.

High Piedmont offers a wide range of wines – from the great aged Nebbiolo to the fresh and young red wines, to rosés and white wines – that can satisfy a wide range of consumers. Currently, the companies participating in the Consortium represent almost the totality of the production; there are trademarks of ancient local tradition and others more recent, large–size companies and organizations with very limited production.


Consorzio Tutela Nebbioli Alto Piemonte

Consorzio Tutela Nebbioli Alto Piemonte