Consorzio di Tutela Candia Dei Colli Apuani Doc Matteotti 22
54100 Massa (Massa-Carrara)
The first big breakthrough of the Wine of Candia is decreed in "The Catalogue Guide" of the Market–Exhibition of typical wines of Italy, held in Siena in the thirties. In effect, here the wines of Candia are classified as wine "that can stand by the best types for the meal and for desserts produced in Tuscany".

In the seventies, then, the Candia wine was discovered by Veronelli, who on the area of Massa Carrara wrote: "from Vermentino grapes in large part, there are white wines that have constant their straw yellow color with amber hues and their delicate scent, depending on wine–making or dry with caressing mild disposition or downright sweet, always suave and fresh".

In 1974, a group of producers founded the "Consortium of producers of the Candia dei Colli Apuani wine" and thanks to their work on 27th January 1981 the Candia dei Colli Apuani D.O.C. was recognized. It is a very recent story, instead, the transformation of the Consortium of producers into a Consortium of Protection, resulting in the recognition by the Ministry in February 2006.


Consorzio di Tutela Candia Dei Colli Apuani Doc

Consorzio di Tutela Candia Dei Colli Apuani Doc