Via del Monte, 12
34070 Mossa (Gorizia)
“La Ginestra” (The Broom). A story of lands, vineyards and borders.

There is History, with its great events, glorious achievements, monuments made ​​of bronze or marble. And then there are the stories which are made by men of flesh and blood, strong of their everyday dreams and animated by the desire to create something beautiful and good, something to share with other people. One of these stories is called “La Ginestra”, as a poem by Leopardi celebrating a tenacious flower, able to bloom where no other plant can put down roots. Over time “La Ginestra” has bloomed. Not in size, that are deliberately limited, but in view of its selected customers (or perhaps it would be better to call them friends?). After all, quality and quantity rarely manage to get along.

The choice to work in a secluded area, away from the great clamor and the lights of advertising, is the philosophy of life of “La Ginestra”.