Azienda Agricola Ca‘ Du Sindic di Sergio Grimaldi

Località San Grato, 7
12058 Santo Stefano Belbo (Cuneo)
The vineyard estate CA' DU SINDIC is nestled amongst the rolling hills of Santo Stefano Belbo, a small town in the heart of the Moscato area.

The family is originally from the nearby village of Cossano Belbo where Ilario Grimaldi together with his wife Vittorina and son Sergio cultivated a manageable piece of land on the San Pietro hill.

Unfortunately is was only partially suitable for the cultivation of grapes, so they looked around in the close-by area of Santo Stefano Belbo for a piece of fertile soil especially appropriate for the cultivation of the fragrant and aromatic Moscato and struck gold in 1972 when they found the San Grato hill, which was in a perfect position for their „object of desire“. For sale was the former mayor of Santo Stefano Belbos' house which also took it's name from him: Ca' Du Sindic (piemontese for „sindaco“, mayor). The estates vineyards of five hectares have been cultivating moscato grapes since the beginning of 1900.

For the next 15 years they sold the yield to major producers but
the grapes were so beautiful and fragrant that Sergio decided in 1987 to produce and merchandise his own Moscato d'Asti and hence the vineyard estate CA' DU SINDIC was born.