V.le della Bornata, 110
25123 Brescia (Brescia)
Ente Vini Bresciani represents and manages the general interests of the common D.O.P. Garda Classico, Valtnesi, Garda Bresciano, S. Martino della Battaglia, Botticino, Capriano del Colle, Cellatica and finally I.G.P. Valcamonica, Ronchi di Brescia, Benaco Bresciano and Montenetto di Brescia.

Together with the associated Consortia (Botticino Consortium, Cellatica Consortium, Valtnesi/Garda Classico Consortium, Montenetto/Capriano del Colle Consortium and Valcamonica I.G.T. Consortium), where everyone maintains autonomy and individuality, and also thanks to the fundamental consociation with the Chamber of Commerce of Brescia, Ente Vini Bresciani manages the policy of the Designations and takes care of the Specifications, promotes the knowledge of the Wines and their aware consumption enhancing their territories of origin, their history and their ability to interpret the present and the future with the style of each single company in the respect for tradition.

Thanks to the experience gained in over 40 years of activity, Ente Vini Bresciani has employed highly experienced and trained in the wine sector operators and, directly or in cooperation with public institutions such as the Province of Brescia, research organizations such as the Provincial Wine Center or Regional Consortia in the wine sector like AS.CO.VI.LO, offers to the Consortia of Wine Protection qualified performances for the realization of informative activities promoted by the Consortia themselves.

Ente Vini Bresciani, for some promotional activities, works directly with the Franciacorta Consortium and the Lugana Consortium.


Ente Vini Bresciani

Ente Vini Bresciani

Ente Vini Bresciani

Ente Vini Bresciani