Consorzio Igt Della Valcamonica

V.le della Bornata, 110
25123 Brescia (Brescia)
In Vallecamonica, a territory known worldwide for its famous stone carvings, the cultivation of the vine was, at that time, much practiced, the piedmont slopes in the proximity of the villages of the valley were almost completely colonized by this noble crop. The epochal changes that occurred in the 70s that saw a general flight from the work in the countryside towards the most profitable and less tiring work offered by the industries, have led to a drastic reduction in the number of hectares planted with vines. The area planted with vines, still present in Vallecamonica, is of about 140 hectares, with about 500 vinegrowers who, after work or retired, take care for their precious vineyards. The vines that appear to be more prevalent in the Valley result to be especially Merlot and Marzemino, for the black grapes. Müller Thurgau, Incrocio Manzoni and Riesling Renano, instead, turn out to be the most present white grape varieties. There are also native varieties which unfortunately are disappearing, like Valcamonec, Erbanno and Sebina. The Voluntary Consortium for the Protection of the Typical Geographical Indication Valcamonica wine, the most recent among the consortia associated to Ente Vini Bresciani, brings together the wine producers of Camuno. Vineyards cultivated in the mountains, in a pristine environment where vines grow distant from pollution while safeguarding the true values of the wine: work, land, originality, biodiversity and tradition of which the mountain vineyards are one of the highest and noblest expressions. Vineyards made by men through a colossal work that lasted for centuries, which has involved generations. The wine–growing areas of the mountains are spectacular works of beauty, are extraordinary monuments to human work.


Consorzio Igt Della Valcamonica

Consorzio Igt Della Valcamonica