The Company “Cantine Colle di San Domenico” comes from an area rich in history, where for centuries customs and traditions, classical and peasant culture, nobility and popular movements have been interwoven. The precise geographical location of Chiusano San Domenico places it at the crossroads of one of the most interesting wine making realities of Campania, that is at the centre of that limited district where the vines reach the highest expression of quality. If, when producing wine, men make use of a natural element which changes into something new and unequalled like a work of art, it was natural to try and produce a little work of art here which respected the healty and genuine peasant traditions, the fruit of ancient experience handed down from generation to generation. With this as its motive the company “Cantine Colle di San Domenico” could not deny the need for detailed research into the quality which unites al the phases of production; from the agricultural techniques, to the srict selections of grapes, to the wine making techniques enriched by modern methods of production which emphasise even more the intrinsic quality of the wines, and the storing of the product. Direct checks by our specialists of all the production processes guarantees that the quality of the wine is costant, placing our wines among the protagonists of the refined tables of today.