Casa Vinicola Piersanti & C. S.n.c.

via Borgo Santa Maria, 60
60038 San Paolo di Jesi (Ancona)

The company was founded in 1955 with Giovanni Piersanti and his two sons Carlo and Silveria in a basement where they bottled sparkling wine with passion and dedication (which at that time was the most popular product) of two types: white and red.

In the eighties, with the inclusion in the company of the sons Giuliano and Ottavio, closely following the latest developments in the wine market, the company focused on the production of Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi, which became the workhorse soon.

The new production required larger quantities and more accurate specialization, so the company moved its production site in a facility of 2,000 square meters, where methodically and with continuous update can better serve many markets.


As fifty years ago, Casa Vinicola Piersanti is managed and directed by a family who over the years has been able to demonstrate competence and reliability assisted byo a business philosophy based on value for money.

The decades–long experience and the prevailing family allows the company of today to offer high quality products at very reasonable prices; right this characteristic has allowed the company to become a real reference point in the territory in that market.


  • casa vinicola
  • piersanti
  • vini marchigiani
  • verdicchio dei castelli di jesi
  • san paolo di jesi


Casa Vinicola Piersanti

Casa Vinicola Piersanti