Imt Istituto Marchigiano di Tutela Vini

V.le dell'Industria, 5
60035 Jesi (Ancona)
IMT was founded in 1999 and now can count on 1,200 vinegrowers partners of the Province of Ancona, Macerata, Pesaro–Urbino, which represent more than 90% of the Marche wine exported through more or less 200 bottlers.

IMT represents 45% of the surface of the Region grown with vines with more or less 9,000 hectares out of a total of 20,000 hectares that compose the Marche vineyard. The 9,000 hectares of vineyards represented in IMT are made of 50% of DOC and DOCG, and the remaining 50% of IGT vineyards gathered in the MARCHE geographical indication. The DOC – DOCG designations are 16, of which 4 are DOCG.

The whole vineyard park has been completely renovated over the last decade of the latest century, so the wine–growing division that IMT represents is modern, quality–oriented and focusing on results of excellence. Viticulture deals exclusively with hillsides facing south and contributes to the characterization of a landscape that expresses the very high vocation both of the soil and climate environment and of the human component that has moved into the modern vineyard management the ancient farmers’ wisdom, result of the observations and of the experience in the field and established with the succeeding of many generations.

Viticulture, in these three provinces of the Marche region, brought a radical change that after world war II onwards has seen the countryside depopulated in favor of craftmanship, of small and medium industries and recently of services. Only viticulture has been able to secure an income for those who, for passion, for lifestyle choice, has decided to tie its future to the ground, giving up with the proclamations and the advantages of living in the city.


Imt Istituto Marchigiano di Tutela Vini

Imt Istituto Marchigiano di Tutela Vini