Tenuta Dell'Ugolino di Petrini & Foroni S.s.

Via Copparoni, 32
60031 Castelplanio (Ancona)
Tenuta dell’Ugolino is located in Castelplanio, in the Marche region: one of the most suited to the production of Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi municipalities.

The Designation of Controlled Origin of Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi (map of Verdicchio) is, in effect, reserved exclusively to the wine produced in the most ancient original area that extends from the municipalities located along the banks of the river Esino to the hill towns overlooking the valleys of Misa and Nevola.

The Tenuta dell’Ugolino company, owned by the Petrini family, was founded in 1980 as a traditional farm, typical of the Marche, but over time, winemaking has become the main activity thanks to the passion of young Andrea for his land and the wines that are produced there.

The production aspect, of the 4 hectares of vineyards in total, points to a production of quality wines through the maniacal care of the vineyards and their constant monitoring and attention to the vinification of the grapes in the company’s cellar with the traditional method.

The results of this effort are two wines of exceptional personality and character: Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi Classico DOC and Verdicchio Classico Superiore DOC Vigneto del Balluccio.

Tenuta dell’Ugolino is open all year round for tours, tastings and welcoming of groups by appointment.


  • tenuta ugolino
  • vini
  • verdicchio classico
  • rosso piceno doc
  • castelpiano


Tenuta Dell'Ugolino

Tenuta Dell'Ugolino

Tenuta Dell'Ugolino

Tenuta Dell'Ugolino

Tenuta Dell'Ugolino

Tenuta Dell'Ugolino