Azienda Vitivinicola Socci Umberto

Via Monticelli, 18
60031 Castelplanio (Ancona)
Azienda Socci company was founded in 1973 by the passion that Umberto Socci had for the growing of this plant.

Our small company is located in the municipality of Castelplanio to 350 meters above sea level and is family–run, so all stages of production and processing are run directly by the owner.

Initially the quantities produced were around 80 tons, and the grapes were totally for sale.

Over time, they started making wine.

Initially we were using the classic typical amphora bottle typical of Verdicchio, too, and that even today makes it recognizable in the world, then there have been several changes until diversifying bottles also depending on the type of wine they contain.

If, as we believe, "wine is made in the vineyard" our vineyard expresses with dogged determination this noble concept.

In the about 3 hectares of the company, cultived with specialized vineyards, the grape that is grown is VERDICCHIO DEI CASTELLI DI JESI CLASSICO D.O.C.and for a 15% Malvasia di Candia; between the rows, you will find the quality of grapes that represent well the most significant varieties that our territory expresses.

The real strength of our wine–growing areas is made up of a mix of soil quality, exposure, altitude and care of the vineyard.

In our case the vineyard is located in the hills, this type of solution guarantees the best conditions of sunshine and brightness to the leaves of the vine, as you climb the hill the air becomes cooler and crispier, humidity decreases, the hilly breeze helps to determine an appropriate level of humidity keeping us away from mould.

Among our fortunes we also have to have a good daily temperature variation and the position on a clayey–limestone soil; these soils rich in limestone allow the production of quality wines.

The company’s philosophy is to be able to obtain the same type of grapes, different wines, exalting the changeable features of Verdicchio.


Azienda Vitivinicola Socci

Azienda Vitivinicola Socci