The best wineries in Montù Beccaria.
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Frazione Costa Montefedele 27040
Montù Beccaria (Pavia)
Via Marconi 10 27040
Montù Beccaria (Pavia)
Fraz.Bergamasco 7 27040
Montù Beccaria (Pavia)
The company now has seventy hectares of vineyards, which contribute to the production of fine wines, among which the Gran Mont Rosé stands.
Via Aureliano, 36 27040
Montù Beccaria (Pavia)
The Azienda Agricola Vercesi del Castellazzo is located on the slopes of the "Oltrepò Pavese" hills, in the municipality of Montù Beccaria. The winery occupies the manor house, a charming historic...