[INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY] The "Acqua&Vino" automatic dispenser has introduced an innovative recycling system. This distributor not only offers a wide range of high quality drinks, but also promotes the recycling of PET and glass bottles thanks to the "Eat Plastic" eco-compactors. Each recycled bottle generates points that can be converted into discounts and coupons.

Thanks to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), farmers can receive up to seven hundred and eighty four euros for each hectare of cultivated land. This bonus is critical to keeping farm income competitive.

[MUVIT DI TORGIANO] In the heart of Umbria, the Muvit di Torgiano stands out as one of the best wine museums in the world. Located in the Palazzo Graziani Baglioni, it offers a rich cultural experience ranging from ancient Etruscan artefacts to the works of Picasso and Guttuso.

[OPEN CELLARS BY CONTINI] The thirty-second edition of Cantine Aperte featured Contini one thousand eight hundred ninety-eight in Cabras, with an event that combined DJ sets, street food and wine tastings, promoting Italian food and wine tourism.

[WINE AND EUROPEAN POLICIES] Over half of the regulations in the wine sector are developed in Brussels. The Italian Independent Winemakers are meeting the candidates for the European Parliament to discuss their positions in view of the elections.

[WEATHER AND AGRICULTURE] The month of May, characterized by incessant rains, favored the proliferation of downy mildew in the vineyards. The Vine and Wine Interprofession underlines the urgency of timely interventions to protect crops.

[EU LABELS] European labeling rules, among the strictest in the world, guarantee safety and transparency for consumers. The Dop, Igp and organic labels certify the quality of wine products.

[USA TRENDS] In the United States, wine consumption is slowly improving. Despite a decline of four point seven percent until April two thousand twenty four, the trend shows positive signs compared to previous months.

[UK: WINE SERVICE] A survey in the UK has revealed that many venues serve less wine than advertised. The research highlights the importance of transparency in serving wine by the glass.

[REGINA REBELLE TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY FOUR] The "Regina Ribelle" festival celebrates Vernaccia di San Gimignano with tastings and artistic collaborations, proposing an innovative approach compared to traditional previews.

[REPLACE GLASS?] In the context of climate change, the possibility of replacing glass bottles with PET containers to reduce emissions is being discussed, after a harvest marked by extreme conditions.

[COLLIO: SIXTY YEARS OF EXCELLENCE] Collio celebrates sixty years of the consortium, testifying to the transformation of the region into one of the best wine-growing areas.

[INTERNATIONAL WINE COMPETITION] Gorizia hosts the XXII International Wine Competition and the Grappa Award, anticipating Go! Two thousand twenty five Nova Gorica and Gorizia European Capital of Culture.

[ORANGE WINE: THE SUMMER TREND] Orange wines are conquering more and more fans. Ocado has recorded a ninety nine per cent increase in sales compared to last year, with significant monthly peaks.

[NEW PRESIDENT OF THE CONEGLIANO VALDOBBIADENE CONSORTIUM] Franco Adami has been elected president of the Consortium for the protection of Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco Docg, with the aim of enhancing the territory and Prosecco Superiore.

[FIFTY YEARS OF TIGNANELLO] Tignanello celebrates its fifty years, an icon of Italian oenology created by Piero Antinori.

[CONFERENCE ON THE FUTURE OF WINE] Finally, a conference dedicated to the challenges and opportunities of the wine sector will explore the history of wine, market trends and technological innovations, aiming for an increasingly sustainable supply chain.

Thanks for following us, until the next edition of our Wine News. Good evening!
