The event for the development and promotion of the cultural and food and wine system was presented.

From 10 to 13 October, in the halls and in the courtyard of honor of Villa Recalcati, there will be conferences, lectures, workshops for children and families, musical concerts and artistic installations, respectively by the students of the Manzoni Music High School and the Frattini Art High School, with the aim of presenting and valorizing the territory and the production of the wineries participating in the project.

Alongside these activities, there will be tastings of wines and spirits paired with typical Varese products that will give life to a unique cultural and food and wine experience.

The event will kick off on Thursday 10 October with a conversation with Sergio Redaelli, author of the book “Quando a Varese c'era il vino” (When there was wine in Varese), conducted by journalist Alessandra Favaro of VareseFocus, followed by a tasting of Terre di Varese with wines and products from Varese, organised by ONAV and in collaboration with CFP.

The Giorgia Carabelli conference “Wine and health, the importance of wine in the daily diet” is scheduled for Friday 11 October, as well as the tasting dish created by CFP and curated by Ivano Antonini of AIS Varese who will present, together with the journalist Marco Gatti, the characteristics of the different wines, the main pairings and the glasses for the different types of wine.

Following this, a two-day event full of events in the fields of culture, wine and desserts.

The official inauguration of the event and the institutional greetings are scheduled for Saturday 12 October, as well as the workshop on the Earth Market, the conference “Rare and endangered grape varieties” held by Anna Schneider and the conference by Mario Iodice “In vino veritas - An eulogy of wine: names, myths, proverbs from antiquity to today”.

The final day, Sunday 13 October, will begin with the opening of the Earth Market with SlowFood Presidia and will be dedicated to discovering the peculiarities of the territory with the conference “The history of Villa Recalcati” by Serena Contini, the presentation of the territory and the participating wineries and the conference “Lands of the lakes and their climates”.

During the four days described above, it will also be possible to visit the scenographic installation of the Artistic Director Ivo Tomasi with the typical equipment of the harvest. In addition, it will be possible to participate in the Enological competition with final awards on Sunday 13 October.

«I am happy to open Villa Recalcati to this initiative, the courtyard of honour, the rooms and the historic park - comments Marco Magrini, president of the Province of Varese – We want to promote the

excellence of our local productions, especially quality wines, especially those of young producers. Our goal is to enhance these wines by pairing them with local products, accompanying them with numerous cultural events. We will do all this in an elegant and private place like Villa Recalcati, which will not only host the event, but can also be discovered and visited ».

Councilor Marina Rovelli adds: «An opportunity to promote our territory through its products, its excellences and its peculiarities. A way to recover a vocation of local wine production and enhance the typical products also fruit of the culture of biodiversity. An opportunity to suggest our Lakes as a new destination for food and wine tourism, welcoming visitors in the numerous places of historical and artistic interest. Typical products, as is known, influence and drive the development of the territories especially if promoted through processes of economic and productive sustainability. I hope that this can be the first of many editions».

"The Earth Markets are an international Slow Food project present in several countries. In addition to hosting various food producers, workshops are organized to educate consumers to buy good, clean and fair products. The Piambello Market has existed since October 2017 and takes place twice a month in the municipalities of Induno Olona and Bisuschio with a good turnout - explains Fabio Ponti of Slow Food Varese Aps - For the "Vini dai Laghi" exhibition organized at Villa Recalcati, we will try to expand the participation of producers linked to Slow Food and in particular to the Presidia, another important international project".

The Artistic Director, Ivo Tomasi, highlights that: « “Vini dai Laghi” will not only be a food and wine event, but a real celebration for families, with interesting activities for adults and children, in the splendid and elegant headquarters of the Province of Varese. In the large atrium of Villa Recalcati there will be a suggestive “Piazza della vendemmia” that will become the beating heart of the event, in collaboration with the members of the Associazione Viticoltori Varesini who will provide their equipment such as carts, barrels, demijohns and typical tools for harvesting grapes. It will be possible to find a riot of music, art and culture praising wine and courtly love with the technical and artistic support of the schools of the area and of several illustrious speakers ».

Free admission. A few days before the event, vouchers for tastings can be purchased on the website , where the program can also be downloaded.
