“45 million tourists arrive on the Riviera and it is right that they get to know the Romagna bubbles of our land”.

It is the strongest white grape variety in Romagna . We are talking about Trebbiano whose hectares (over 15 thousand of the 28,000 total) establish its area leadership in Romagna . A grape variety, Trebbiano, which becomes the protagonist of a new story together with those who "live" it in the vineyard every day. It is the project implemented by Terre Cevico , a cooperative group with deep roots in the area together with its 5 thousand members, which has given life to " 10 stories of Trebbiano in Romagna ", a story of the production chain of Trebbiano-based bubbles.

In fact, there are ten winemaking members who have put their face to it and who have decided to tell directly from the vineyard everything that is around the Romagna bubbles and that we find more and more often in glasses all over the world. Ten stories available online on the website terrecevico.com/10-storie / united by the common thread of Terre Cevico cooperation made of tradition, sustainability, identity, innovation, resistance, love for viticulture.

A story of the supply chain , therefore, which starts from the hinterland and arrives at the sea, directly on the Riviera , in a journey that involves the operators of the Emilia Romagna coast. It is the renewed liaison between Terre Cevico and the seaside operators of the SIB (Italian Seaside Union), who have decided to be an active part in the project to enhance the Romagna identity which here connects land and sea, wine and beach. Last year, the SIB seaside businesses from across the peninsula also came to the aid of the wine cooperatives affected by the flood by purchasing wines from the Terre Cevico "Everything is possible" line, giving concrete help to the drama experienced by numerous member companies. This year the bond is renewed in a journey that starts from the valorization of the iconic Romagna vine and finds itself around a glass of Romagna bubbles, emblem of the lightness, resilience and good living that characterizes this land.

A bond that was presented last Friday (24 May) in the splendid Terrazza del Bagno Milano in Cesenatico in the presence of the ten producing members of Trebbiano di Terre Cevico together with the Sea operators of the SIB representing the entire Emilia Romagna coast (Comacchio, Ravenna , Cervia, Cesenatico and Rimini).

S imone Battistoni regional president SIB Confcommercio . “Ours is a meeting between vineyard operators and sea operators in the name of cooperation. Tourism in Romagna has over 60 million visitors, 45 million of whom arrive at the seaside, in our beach establishments. Together we can do great things to make this representative vine of our land known to such a wide audience."

Franco Donati President of Terre Cevico : “Trebbiano in the Romagna sparkling version must be our business card along the coasts of the Riviera. We must have the courage to talk about our territory to the millions of tourists who come to us. And what better selling point can we offer than the quality of our products, starting from the Romagna bubbles, which meet the high quality of the services of our beaches, among the main in Europe".

Also speaking during the presentation were Daniela Ravaglia, viticulturist and agronomist, Pierluigi Zama, the group's wine manager, Guido Cavina, agronomist of Terre Cevico and Raffaele Mazzoni, the group's sales manager.

10 stories of Trebbiano in Romagna

Wine is the story of people who live the land every day. Custodians of the territory who enhance and protect a landscape asset such as the countryside, Terre Cevico has put their stories at the center of the cooperative spirit that characterizes the group. Thus was born an original story told directly by the producers, people far from the spotlight, who put themselves at stake in front of a camera in a wine Romagna that breaks the mold.

Ten stories of Trebbiano told by as many winemakers : Simone Dall'Osso, Lavezzola; Dino Gaetta, Conselice; Mauro Mercatali, Fusignano; Daniela Ravaglia, Lugo; Gianni Raffoni, San Pietro in Vincoli; Massimo Missiroli, Alfonsine; Daniele Marangoni, Villanova di Bagnacavallo; Matteo Verlicchi, Lugo; Maurizio Bandini, Faenza; Marino Bosi, Faenza and by the President Terre Cevico Franco Donati of Bagnacavallo.

The wines

There are six Romagna sparkling wines at the center of this initiative:

· Austo Romagna DOC Spumante Novebolle;

· Vollì Spumante Brut Rubicone Igt white;

· 7 Rocche Spumante Brut Rubicone Igt white;

· Contefosco Spumante Brut;

· b.IO Romagna DOC Spumante Novebolle;

· Braschi Sburoun Romagna DOC Spumante Novebolle.
