22/30 July from 8.30pm to midnight Helen Mirren, exceptional godmother, will inaugurate LIFE 2023 at 8pm

Extraordinary edition with installations that also refer to artificial intelligence and an exceptional godmother, Helen Mirren, Oscar-winning actress who loves Puglia and champion in the fight against the killer bacterium, xylella, which has exterminated a large part of our olive trees, which will inaugurate the Festival Saturday 22 July at 8pm.

Many installations by national and international artists will illuminate some areas of the City of Trulli to project it into the universe of LIGHT and cultural exhibitions in the Casa Alberobello headquarters and in the trulli of via Monte Nero.

Alberobello Light Festival is financed with Unesco funds for territorial development. It is a community event in its fifth edition organized by the municipal administration in collaboration with the coordination of LIFE. It makes use of private partnerships.

The luminous works and cultural installations are located in different areas of the city and are connected to each other by an invisible common thread that has a precise meaning. In other words, ' highlighting the uniqueness of the trulli, a world heritage site for over a quarter of a century ', the mayor Francesco De Carlo and the councilor for culture, Valeria Sabatelli, explain from Palazzo di Città. ' Cultural Alberobello is experiencing a strong revival - they add - thanks to the many international activities on the calendar. The City of Trulli has donned a new elegant, fascinating but essential 'dress', which knows how to create the right combination between its history and modernity and knows how to speak the language of quality hospitality, an economic driving force that brings wealth and affirmation' .

Here are the installations: Treedom (Atelier YokYok) in Largo Martellotta, Unsustainable Lightness by Deni Bianco at the Belvedere, FuTuristica by SanoSano and SantiTrulli! by Lightcones, both in via Monte Nero. Animalis by Officina Chiodo Fisso in the municipal park, Different colors of the swarms by Claudia Reh on the facade of the Trullo Sovrano, DejaVi by Vittoria Rutigliano exhibited in the headquarters of Casa Alberobello, Wall of Frida/Gobos in via Monte Pertica, Dream of AI by Luca Agnani on the facade of the Basilica of Santi Medici. The Dolce&Gabbana fashion house, in the wake of the women's high fashion show that recently took place, pays homage to the city with the Alberobello luminary located in Largo Martellotta.
