Grapperie Aperte 2013. Now in its tenth edition: the meeting organized by the National Grappa Institute aims to enhance and raise awareness of the Italian spirit.
On Sunday, 6th October 2013, the long-awaited Grapperie Aperte 2013 will take place. The event is followed every year by more than 30,000 fans who have the great opportunity to come into direct contact with the fascinating world of grappa. The day brings to the fore the national spirit and all its peculiarities which are truly unique and all to be discovered.
The theme of Grapperie Aperte 2013 will be the pairing and the enhancement of Grappa in relation to the typical culinary specialities of their respective territories. Each distillery of the Belpaese will have the opportunity to give its own interpretation about it. Here are just some delicious suggestions:
-To combine tastings at the distillery and tastings guided directly by a producer of the territory of reference
- To propose own recipes made with typical local products, inviting a chef or proposing a ?homemade? receipt, where grappa is the protagonist as an ingredient or as a best pairing.
The President of the National Grappa Institute Elvio Bonollo said: "For ten years we have believed in it, and it is our firm intention to continue to do it especially in difficult times like these, it is important that by grappa comes a strong signal of presence, vitality and narrow bond with the culture of its own territory. Consumers confirm to appreciate grappa and to be willing to discover its many peculiarities, both sensorial and productive. They search for opportunities for a more technical and cultural deepening in order to learn more about our flagship spirit and to be able to choose it with more and more knowledge and awareness", moreover, "the large amount of visitors of the previous editions testofies the appropriateness of the formula designed to create a moment of gathering around grappa and is the confirmation of the great interest in its culture and its tradition, told with charm and curiosity by each master distiller. The merit of the success of this accomplished initiative is certainly of all those who, over the years, have joined and contributed to the fulfillment of the day developing, at their distilleries, original initiatives alongside guided tastings and tours".