These are the directors: Carlo Bonomi, Gabriele Buia, Antonio Cellie, Roberto Ghisellini, Simona Greco, Annalisa Molinari, Franco Mosconi, Roberto Ravazzoni, Andrea Zanlari, from this shortlist, the Shareholders' Meeting of Fiere di Parma has also identified Prof. Franco Mosconi the new President and Carlo Bonomi the Vice President.

The Board of Statutory Auditors has also been renewed, with Luigi Capitani as Chairman, Federica Abelli and Oliviero Maria Crippa as Statutory Auditors.
The new Board of Directors will give indications regarding the identification of the Chief Executive Officer expected to lead the Company immediately which has acquired an overall size and value that have more than doubled in the last decade and which today sees a new structure with the acquisition of TuttoFood and the entry of Fiere Milano into the share capital.

The statements of the protagonists

“ We are satisfied with the results achieved in 2022 by Fiere di Parma: Cibus has proven to be a driving event for all Made in Italy and all the other exhibitions have been very successful – declares the CEO of Crédit Agricole Italia and Senior Country Officer Giampiero Maioli - In recent weeks, an agreement was reached between Fiere di Parma and Fiera Milano, a "historic" event for the Italian agri-food sector, which finally allows the entire Italian supply chain to march together, to the benefit of the national economy and the its export. As Crédit Agricole Group we have worked hard to build the agreement and I want to thank those who have worked constantly to achieve this result, from President Bonomi to President Pazzali, from the CEO of Fiere di Parma Antonio Cellie to the outgoing President of Fiere di Parma Gino Gandolfi. Thanks also go to all the public partners who believed in this project, in particular the Mayor of Parma Michele Guerra. I also want to welcome Professor Franco Mosconi, the new President of Fiere di Parma, who I am sure will be able to give continuity to the virtuous development of this partnership ”.

We are creating a coordinated exhibition system, setting up synergies aimed at promoting Made in Italy in the world - commented the Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Fiera Milano, Francesco Conci - Furthermore, we want to ensure that the industrial supply chains, rooted in the territory national and non-national, increasingly choose Italy and Milan as their showcase for entering the global market, offering them increasingly innovative services and excellent expertise. With these aims Fiera Milano becomes part of the new board of directors of Fiere di Parma, increasingly aiming to strengthen its international positioning in a strategic supply chain such as that of the agri-food sector which we will be hosting in our exhibition spaces with the edition of Tuttofood 2023 ”.

Gabriele Buia, President of the Parma Industrialists' Union : “The new corporate structure of Fiere di Parma, which finds correspondence in the newly appointed board of directors, goes in the direction of enhancing the recent agreement signed with Fiera Milano. A new chapter in the history of our city's trade fair organization begins and we are sure that new opportunities for economic and social growth will open up for our area as well as important spaces for international enhancement for Italian companies and for the food sector, never like today so appreciated in the world for the quality, wholesomeness and cultural content of its production excellence "

Michele Guerra, Mayor of Parma : “The appointment of Franco Mosconi as President of Fiere di Parma is excellent news for our city and our territory, Franco is an economist and an expert in industrial policy who has all the esteem and my personal trust and that of public partners and he is a highly reputed figure at a national level and beyond. I am certain that he will be able to guide the positive development of the new course in the wake of the premises established by the new Fiere statute, reinforcing, from that position, the "Emilia model" on which he has recently published an important volume.
I am grateful to the outgoing President Gino Gandolfi for the great work and great results achieved in Fiere di Parma and I know that he will continue his valuable work for the benefit of the territory now that Fondazione Cariparma has appointed him to the Board of Crédit Agricole. I also thank the University of Parma, which promptly supported the expression of the public shareholders of Fiere, allowing Mosconi to assume the role of President. My most sincere wishes for a good job to all the new Directors

Andrea Massari, President of the Province of Parma : “ One of the most complex mandates is coming to an end in various aspects, from the pandemic to the energy crisis to the challenge of collaboration between the Parma fairs and the Milan fair.
Gratitude for those who have governed society in these difficult years and the wish that the new government group will be able to grasp the challenging objectives that we are entrusting to them at this moment.
Fiere di Parma is the most important engine for promoting what Parma produces, the extraordinary history of Parma's agri-food chain and the wealth of companies in the technological and service chain.

We have shared an industrial project of international scope - said Vincenzo Colla, Councilor for economic development and green economy, work, training and international relations of the Emilia Romagna Region - Today we have a board of directors who has the characteristics to support, discuss and qualify that project but also to secure the Parma Fair with respect to its potential and its evolution. On behalf of the Region, I express full confidence in President Mosconi, whom I thank for his availability, in the CEO and in the entire CDA. We are talking about figures of great experience and of great professional and representative quality.
The Region will support the needs that will come from the master plan of the new board. Because we believe in trade fairs and are aware of their importance for the production chains and all related industries in the area. In fact, it is known that every euro invested in trade fairs has a multiplier of 4 euros, as well as creating a lot of work

Thus Andrea Zanlari, Extraordinary Commissioner of the Parma Chamber of Commerce : "This day marks the beginning of a new era of Parma Fairs, which sees the public shareholders appoint an expert President like Franco Mosconi to whom I wish a good job together with the new directors of administration

Gino Gandolfi : “ I am grateful to those who in September 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, called me to preside over such an important reality for our area as Fiere di Parma. I am happy to leave a reality in full health. Fiere di Parma, in 2022, surpassed the already significant results achieved before the pandemic, is a company capable of generating cash and one of the very few players in Europe to have a positive net financial position. I would also like to remind you that it was further strengthened thanks to the extraordinary operation carried out with Fiera di Milano. I am also happy to hand over the baton to a friend and colleague, Franco Mosconi, who I am sure will be an excellent president. I would like to thank all the directors and statutory auditors for having filled their roles with great professionalism. Lastly, I address a special thought to CEO Antonio Cellie and to all the men and women of Fiere di Parma. Now that I've met them, I've understood why our Fair is a reality that we must all be proud of
