The 2024 Sicilian harvest confirms itself as one of the longest in Italy and this year begins about ten days early due to the high temperatures which accelerated the ripening of the grapes.
" Extreme temperatures and drought are having a significant impact on the vineyards ", underlines the oenologist Giuseppe Figlioli, member of the Board of Directors of the DOC Sicilia . " Our vineyards are increasingly exposed to unpredictable climatic phenomena. Despite the difficulties in having significant production yields, on the one hand the vineyards have perfectly preserved their quality, on the other the Sicilian producers demonstrate extraordinary tenacity and determination in protecting their crops ".
After last year's problems related to downy mildew, this year's heat and dry climate have prevented the spread of fungal diseases. " The quality of the grapes is excellent and the phytosanitary health is optimal, without particular risks of plant diseases ", concludes Figlioli.
During the winter and spring, Sicily recorded well below average rainfall. Subsequently, extreme climatic events, such as the scorching heat and drought of the first half of summer, induced the budding of the vineyards 15 days early. Even flowering, usually in May, was brought forward to April. And, so on, with a total advance of 10-12 days.
In many areas, the use of private ponds and water reserves has mitigated the effects of drought, ensuring high-quality production.
The Consortium for the protection of DOC Sicilia wines ( came to life in 2012, with the aim of representing the wine of the Sicilian territory and promoting the DOC Sicilia denomination, with actions aimed at increasing the visibility of a symbolic brand of Made in Italy and to the protection and supervision in defense of consumers and producers. Around 7,000 winemakers and over 500 bottlers are promoters of the Controlled Designation of Origin, a useful recognition to represent them but also to enhance and safeguard the island's wine production.