On 3 June 2024 Agroqualità SpA recognized the Veronese wine group's concrete commitment in the field of social, environmental and economic sustainability.

Cantine di Verona takes steps towards sustainability and social commitment. The cooperative winemaking group that has brought together Cantina Valpantena, Cantina di Custoza and Cantina Colli Morenici since 2021 has in fact obtained Equalitas certification , a standard that defines the sustainability requirements in the wine sector according to the three social, environmental and economic pillars . The decision to undertake this path arises from the desire of the cooperative to quantify and enhance the contribution provided to the Verona area , as well as to the entire national and European market in general. ​

Cantine di Verona has been preparing for months for the control necessary to obtain the certification - awarded on 3 June 2024 by the Agroqualità SpA body after a rigorous inspection process lasting three days - monitoring gas, electricity and water consumption, self-production levels energy, the satisfaction of its employees and other stakeholders, both private and corporate, in the vicinity of the plants. It created a company welfare system and analyzed the quality of life and work of the staff employed by contractors in the countryside, with a view to improving the company's attractiveness. Another important initiative was the establishment of a three-year professional growth plan for individual employees , which includes language, IT and workplace well-being training courses as well as professional development and sommelier courses. The sustainability report has also been implemented , which will be made available on the Cantine di Verona website by the end of the year, and a management plan has been developed for the vineyard and adjacent natural areas.

“Cantine di Verona began the journey towards this certification from a solid base both in terms of reducing consumption and waste and in terms of energy self-production, which will be doubled by 2025 – underlines Manuel Orlandi , Quality Manager of the cooperative winemaking group –. For example, water management in the vineyard and cellar is planned to minimize the use of this resource and ensure that the water discharged into the sewer or basin is as clean as possible. A part of the purified one is already used for washing some filters and rotary cloths or floors". ​

“In the social sphere, the certification process has led to greater cohesion between management and operational colleagues. It was an opportunity to discuss their needs and requests and to come together on various aspects that had not been considered until now – adds the President of Cantine di Verona Luigi Turco –. Being Equalitas certified represents a fundamental element for us, which attests to our commitment to sustainability and strengthens the unity and sense of belonging to the group. We will continue to work to improve and grow together with our members, employees and the territory that hosts us for an increasingly virtuous, engaging and driving reality."

Cantine di Verona's future objectives are to extend the certification to subcontractors as well and to promote the Sustainable Winery brand on the market. Among the expected benefits is greater participation of members and staff in company activities.
