Trentino Wine Consortium: Presentation of the 2nd Sustainability Report at the MUSE of Trento.

The Trentino Wine Protection Consortium is pleased to announce the presentation of the second Sustainability Report. A special event that represents not only an important moment for the Trentino wine sector, but also an opportunity for reflection and discussion on the values of sustainability, a key principle that inspires and guides the work of the Consortium.

The presentation of the second Sustainability Report will be held on Monday 17 June 2024, at 5.30 pm, at the prestigious MUSE - Science Museum of Trento . An exceptional setting, the ideal place to share the progress and innovations introduced to protect viticulture, the environment, the Trentino territory and its unique and inimitable products.

This year, the Consortium wanted to give an even deeper meaning to this meeting, presenting it as a real journey into sustainability. For the Consortium, in fact, sustainability is a long journey, a journey that materializes in daily practices and in the tangible results that will be shared with the public present.

The event will give the opportunity to explore the different stages of this journey, through interventions, round tables and moments of discussion with experts and protagonists in the sector.
