Development, eco-friendly, sustainable economy, sustainable agriculture, terroir, bio-diversity .... and so on and so forth!
Are a myriad of ideas that attack from many sides: ethics, marketing, economics, consumption.
All you bounce around the world who are wondering about how to design their own future.
The main problem lies in the fact that the term sustainability is surrounded by a diffuse vagueness: Development, Growth Durable, Science of Sustainability, Sustainable Communities, Sustainable education
Surely the concept of sustainability is an awareness at 360 degrees to the environment and the context in which we live and indicates the ability to abandon the idea of a society in which welfare is understood as the infamous GDP increased production and consumption for its own sake.
It is moving to a society "in which both are able to live better by consuming less, avoiding the squandering deisistemi natural, and therefore of natural capital, and developing the economy, reducing the current input of energy and raw materials 1."
This is a radical cultural conversion that leads to rethink the relationship between man and the environment and is in full swing.
Far from wanting to give us the answers of question which chase choices and decisions in a plethora of ways to draw and go.
We try to give space to a concrete that have taken in the Experimental Station for Viticulture Sustainable trying to reconcile the idea of a perspective for the future three figures in the field: Producer, Consumer, Environment.
"To be sustainable viticulture must propose solutions ecologically valid,
economically viable, socially like.
Which means giving guarantees for the future:
-To producer (development of strategies cultivation
able to protect an economically attractive production)
To-consumer (transparent marketing of products
valid in relation to their quality and sanitation)
-All 'environment (human presence on the land for
conservation and protection of natural resources) 2. "
What do you think of this point of view?
1. Freely adapted from Sterling, S. (2006) Sustainable education, Anima Mundi Publishing, Cesena, p.15
2. Taken from Pdf "Sustainable Viticulture", Experimental Station for Viticulture, Florence, p. 7